Creativity Coaching

Helping You Find Success With Creativity Coaching


Creativity coaching is about finding tools and creative solutions to challenges you are facing, defining the goals you want to achieve and taking the necessary steps to get there.

It is figuring out the best methods in overcoming your blocks, building your career and pointing your life in the direction of what you want it to be.

You’ll be able to have clearly defined goals and aspirations and come up with inventive ways to make them a reality as you work with me as your creativity coach, helping tap into the solutions that already exist within you.

The work of creative coaching is done by you, not the coach.

As a coach, I show you tools and help guide on how you can get there.

Feel Like It's Time to Make Changes, But Can't Seem to Find a Way?

Creativity Coaching: Q & A?

What is a creativity coach?

A creativity coach is a professional who specializes in assisting you in unlocking and expanding your creative thinking and imagination and helping you find creative solutions to overcome challenges and move you forward.

Who needs a creativity coach?

Creativity coaching can assist anyone who wants to improve their problem-solving abilities, improve their self-esteem, and more.

Creative thinking can have a significant and positive impact on a person’s daily life, affecting anything from their financial habits to their mood, to how grateful they are for what they have, to how stressed they are.

Creativity coaching can benefit anyone who wants to overcome challenges, facing adversity or to improve themselves or their life.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a college student, a parent, an artist or a performer, all are welcome!

Why would you want a creativity coach?

When it comes to overcoming obstacles, creativity is one of the most valuable tools you can have in your arsenal.

Knowing how to access and apply your creativity will benefit you in all aspects of your life for as long as you put your newfound knowledge into action when challenges and blocks arrive.

This is about putting yourself out there and having the creative tools and more confidence that you need to be successful in overcoming challenges.

How do you know if creativity coaching is the right choice for you?

You may want to consider working with a creativity coach if you’ve ever felt:

  • Unable to prioritize your goals.
  • Feel over/underwhelmed by a task.
  • Feel unfulfilled creatively.
  • Feel like a fraud or face imposter syndrome.
  • That you have run out of ideas.
  • You are unable to move forward from an initial concept.
  • Disappointed at your lack of creativity or inventiveness.
  • Feel like you aren’t achieving your dreams or reaching your potential.
  • Have self-doubts.





The two-week Flock Fundamentals Creativity Coaching Package is for people who want to see how Creativity Coaching can help their creative projects, as well as figure out what kind of coaching they may need on a long-term basis.

May be upgraded to the 4 session – Ewe Innovator package by mutual agreement.

More Package Details

  • 2 – 1:1 coaching sessions, via phone or Zoom, typically once per week (45 minutes each).
  • Follow-up email after each session.
  • E-mail support/consultations during the coaching period.


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If you are working on a single project or specific objective and looking for some creativity coaching to overcome blocks you are having and need extra tools, this four-session/one-month Creativity Coaching Package is ideal for you.



More Package Details

  • 4 coaching sessions, via phone or Zoom, once per week or other – per  mutual agreement (45 minutes each)
  • Follow-up email after each session.
  • Assignments/Tasks to work on between sessions.
  • E-mail support/consultations during the coaching period.


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This 3-month Creativity Coaching Package is for people who have long-term goals or are working on multiple creative projects at the same time. They want the regular and ongoing support and accountability that will help them on their creative journey.

May be renewed by mutual agreement.

More Package Details

  • 12 – 1:1 Coaching sessions – 3 months – all appointments need to be made within a 5 month period.
  • Up to 4 coaching calls per month (45 minutes each) via phone or Zoom.
  • Follow-up email after each session.
  • Assignments/Tasks to work on between sessions.
  • 2 Extended coaching sessions – 2 extra 30 minute sessions or additional time added to existing session
  • E-mail support/consultations during the coaching period.
  • Free access to online creativity training modules as they are created


How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

The free coaching session will include going over the goals and expectations of the client and what they want to achieve.

Clients with many things to work on will need help from the coach to decide where best to start.


Choose a Plan

Once the coach has had the 1:1 call and discussed the general guideline for the creativity coaching relationship and what goals we will work on,  it is time to discuss and choose the best coaching plan. 

Sometimes two sessions will be enough to work toward the goal and overcome the creative blockages and sometimes it will need an ongoing coaching relationship.

This will be best determined on an individual basis.

Reaching Your Goals

Setting goals is key to any kind of successful coaching program and especially true in creativity coaching.

At the end of our scheduled sessions, take a moment to reflect on where you’ve been, where you now want to go, and how you will get there with the new tools you have to draw from.

Allow yourself the time and space to reflect and make plans for your future successes.

When you reach your established goals, overcome your creative blockages and defeat your challenges…celebrate the wins.

My Approach

Where you want to go and what you want to achieve is where we start!

You possess creative talent, we all do; it’s just tucked away somewhere if you are feeling the blockages. I am aware of this, and I believe you are as well.

With fresh eyes, we will approach your objective and difficulties, viewing everything through the prism of what could be rather than what is.

If you’re ready to begin becoming the person we both know you are capable of becoming, it’s time to begin with Sheep Theory Creativity Coaching…It’s time to think outside the flocks.



Goal Setting

Helping you to identify your objectives and goals which work in conjunction with your own values and performance style

Career Advice

Assessing your interests and skill-set to help you build a plan for achieving your creative goals.

Stress Management Through Creativity

Identify and help discover sources of stress in your personal and professional life and find potential solutions through creativity.

Creative Personal Growth

Discovering and deveoping the tools you need to overcome challenges you face and adversity.