Welcome to the end of 2020 and the start of 2021. This year has been a difficult one for a lot of people, myself included. It took a lot of hard work and patience to get through and also a different way of looking not only at ourselves or our work, but also the world around us and how we interacted on a daily basis with pretty much everything around us.

I have found time the last 9 months of quarantining and staying safe to work on lots of back burner projects, revamping this site and refining its concept, getting certified as a John Maxwell Independent coach as well as start a couple other new endeavors as a way to stay creative and also…sane.

I think that 2021 will still be a challenging year ahead, it is not going to go back to “normal” anytime soon and we should be prepared for whatever challenges arise, we can also use this time and this new year and the months ahead to work on ourselves and our projects.

How will you start the new year off, what things do you have planned for yourself to keep your head above water? What projects do you have planned or have you had planned for a while that you could move into focus?

This time of year, post holidays and leading up to the New Year ahead is always one of reflection and bringing forth resolutions and new ideas a lot of times we give up or forget those resolutions we promised ourselves within months or even days of saying them.

What can I do to help you break through your barriers and help you to achieve those goals?

I am looking forward to connect with friends and family as well as YOU in 2021.
